What is Emergency Section 8 Housing?

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Emergency Section 8 is the policy used by housing authorities to assist applicants who are urgently in need of rental assistance. There are expedited from the typical waitlist period and rapidly moved into a home.

Homes choice vouchers help low-income households afford, safe, and clean homes. A portion of rent is paid on the tenant’s behalf after being approved for a housing choice voucher or an emergency housing voucher.

Public Housing Agencies manage housing choice vouchers on a local level (PHAs). When a family is given a housing voucher, it is their responsibility to find a fitting dwelling unit of their preference, where the proprietor decides to rent via the system.

On account of the partaking family, the PHA pays a housing allowance straight to the homeowner. The family now covers the gap between the homeowner’s real rent and the program’s subsidy.

Now that you have had a glance at what the section 8 program entails, In this article, I would also be emphasizing other important aspects of the Emergency Section 8 Housing Voucher Program.

What Qualifies as a Section 8 Emergency?

There are several options for receiving instant section 8 housing selection vouchers nearby and It’s worth noting that the requester must still fit all of the program’s other requirements, such as having minimal possessions, residing in the area, and so on.

Any flat offered will be dependent on the renter’s income, with the lease on the section 8 property being 30% of the participant’s overall household income.

Participation in the system by the landlord is also required and the HCV program’s terms and conditions stay the same likewise.

The Section 8 emergency system is often known as a priority list.The decision is made using a point-based system, with a higher rating indicating that the applicant will be listed near the head of the public queue. The applicant requesting a rent voucher must also be able to find a house that fulfills their criteria.

Click Here for the list on HUD Exchange that will show you the Grantees that received Emergency Housing Funding Including:

  • CDBG: Community Development Block Grant Program
  • CoC: Continuum of Care Program
  • Emergency Shelter Grants Program
  • NSP: Neighborhood Stabilization Program
  • HTF: Housing Trust Fund
  • HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS Program
  • ESG: Emergency Solutions Grants Program

Above are Emergency Housing programs. You can search for these programs in your area  by going here and contacting Housing Authorities in your state. Enter your state. Select All Programs by checking the box in drop down.

Search for Emergency Housing Grantees in your state that were recently awarded and allocated funding for emergency housing.  You may be eligible to apply to one of the emergency housing programs on the list above which has funding available for emergency housing.

This would allow you to skip the long section 8 waiting lists and help you receive an emergency voucher right away if your situation qualifies you for emergency assistance.  Alternatively, they may be placed at the head of the queue whenever the subsequent voucher or unit in their neighborhood becomes vacant.

  • Seniors and the aged may be granted supportive accommodation that includes on-site medical treatment right away.
  • Mentally or physically disabled.
  • Veterans and service personnel can also get the emergency section 8 subsidy without having to queue on the wait list.
  • Women (and males) escaping intimate victimization may be accommodated in a shelter and subsequently transferred to the program, during any urgent situation.
  • If a person’s home has been damaged by a fire, a flood, or a natural calamity, they may be granted priority. They are, however, most likely to be housed in FEMA housing.
  • Extremely low-income parents facing eviction or homelessness.

The Fastest Way to Get on the Section 8 Voucher Program

You must fulfill a minimum of one of those specific criteria listed above to be included on the prioritized list.

The more exceptional circumstances you have encountered, the more likely you are to be placed at the head of the list.

There is no other path to obtain section 8 speedily besides having several applicants cases, given the fact that the vouchers are just dispersed as they are released publicly. The queue can be lengthy, notably given the demand for housing support in 2020 due to the implications of the COVID-19 Crisis.

You must also be prepared to show proof of your impairment or particular condition in most cases.

Even in unusual circumstances, keeping in touch with your PHA regarding your request is critical, and maintaining contact could help you prevent waiting years.

You should also ensure that you have email access, a postal service, and a smartphone because you wouldn’t want to neglect any efforts by the PHA to reach you.

NOTE: Anyone who requests you to pay a fee to receive a section voucher swiftly is most certainly attempting to defraud you.

Getting Access to the Nearest Emergency Housing

Contact the nearest regional public housing organization to learn about emergency housing options in your area here. The PHA’s contact information can be found here. Enter you state and contact Housing Authorities nearest to you, most will have a website. Search google for the PHA official website after locating it on HUD’s database.

How do I Apply for the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program?

The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program was established by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to aid individuals and families experiencing homelessness in 2020 as COVID related factors required new funding for housing. The program has already provided 70,000 Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) to local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) which were given to applicants who were approved due to emergency circumstances.

Under the Programs Guidelines the PHA Qualifies Applicants for the EHV Program Funding if Applicants Were or Are:

  • Click Here If You Need Home Less Assistance?
  • at risk of becoming homeless
  • leaving dangerous situations
  • or victims of domestic abuse
  • dating violence
  • sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking

People who have recently been homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless can also seek for this support.

The EHV Dashboard updated daily on leasing, issuing, and unit use, as well as information on voucher awards and PHA funding. The forward and return arrows allow users to navigate the dashboard pages. Those who want more information about the program should visit the Dashboard page here.

Note, you can’t apply directly to a Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program, to our understanding.

You should ask your local COC Office Here if you feel you meet any of the criteria for emergency vouchers. The best way to search for all emergency housing near you is by visiting HUD Exchange, Grantee Awards and Allocation Page Click Here.

  1. Select Your State Here
  2. Select All Programs Check Boxes
  3. Contact Grantee Awardee  Provider Nearest to You
  4. Ask for Emergency Application
hud exchange find a grantee

You can then see if a PHA in your area was awarded funding for the EHV. You can then speak to your PHA and apply.  But if you feel you meet one these circumstances or you are facing homelessness or need emergency housing now.

Please go to HUD Exchange and contact all grantees in your area that received funding for any emergency program.

You can select All programs with the check box and then enter your state. This will narrow down your search and you will be able to contact a variety of rental and housing assistance providers in your area. Search for the following programs: HOME, CoC, ESG,  HOPWA, RHP HTF, CDBG, and NSP. Click link for HUD Exchange Here.

These programs each offer a massive step forward toward combating homelessness in the United States, serving as a vital resource for persons experiencing housing instability. Individuals and families can receive access to safe and stable homes through EHV funding enabling more housing vouchers to PHAs, who then can give applicants housing assistance and a chance to rebuild their lives and achieve stability.

There are many different types of housing programs that receive EHV funding. We listed them in the paragraph above. It’s important to try to contact housing assistance grantee in your area for all programs. Search your state for grantees here.

If you still have questions after contacting the local public housing authority about applying for emergency section 8 but your situation involves potential homelessness, consider contacting an emergency homeless housing center or a homeless counseling center that is local to you. Go Here to access HUD’s database for Home Less Assistance

You might also seek emergency housing from a social worker or hear from local organizations in your area.

  1. Permanent Residents of Homeless Households

Homeless households can apply for permanent housing initiatives like Section 8 to help them find inexpensive long-term accommodation. For homeless and handicapped families, there is also the Permanent Subsidized Housing Initiative.

In conjunction with housing, the Permanent Subsidized Housing Program offers integrated care services to help participants gain confidence and tenanted skills, as well as link them to medical services, therapy, and work opportunities.

  1. Simple accommodation housing appeal.

Disabled people are entitled to reasonable accommodations to have an adequate opportunity to utilize and cherish a home. A simple letter is frequently used to request reasonable accommodations.

To assist you in writing an appropriate reasonable accommodation letter, a sample was given at the HUD’s official website.

Can A Felon Get Section 8 Housing?

This is a tricky question, because each Public Housing Authority has its own set of eligibility criteria, so what is ok in some places may not be so in others.

There are two felonies that automatically disqualify you and the members of your household from receiving section 8 in any state:

  • If you have been convicted of the production or manufacture of methamphetamine (Meth) in federal assisted housing or if you have been placed on the sex offenders registry.
  • If you or any member of your household has been convicted of one of these felonies, you are automatically disqualified from receiving Section 8 Housing. The Public Housing Authority has these guidelines to try and keep crime rates down in public housing.

Households in need of immediate housing have access to emergency housing initiatives in every state. The programs could be conducted by the government or by non-profit organizations.

You might also need to inquire locally about emergency housing aid programs or use internet platforms like HUD’s official website to look for emergency housing in your area. Try applying for emergency housing with your Local States COC program HERE. Select your state. Then select ALL programs and search for the contact info of Housing Offices near you that have been awarded and allocated to receive funding from federal government for emergency housing.

By Ashley T

As a professional writer, I enjoy researching Benefit Programs and writing articles and guides that are easy to follow for those who are in need of assistance.


  1. I have filled out what I thought was an application online,my landlord has agreed to take section 8,just unsure how exactly to fill out app,get precise information.If someone could take a minute to email back it would be appreciated.

    1. Hi Gordon,

      To get the right information on how to fill out your online application, please contact your local housing authority. You would be assigned to a housing counselor to guide you through the process.

    2. David D. M. I am 54 years old I’ll be 55 June 5th of this year I received social security income I am disabled and I’m in desperate need of housing

      1. To resolve your housing issue, do well to visit the local housing authority and fill out the Section 8 housing assistance form for a faster housing response.

  2. Hi my name is Courtney and I'm currently working full-time for Senior helpers of the East Bay and I'm living in my car due to my boyfriend threatening me and putting his hands on me , I don't really have time to go pick up an application for emergency section 8 waiting list and I'm afraid to call because my boyfriend be stealing my phone all the time .is their any way I can fill it out online or if someone can personally send the application to me via mail or my old mailing address? Please let me know asap .I can't afford to loose my job because I'm homeless and stupid Scarry problems that I feel I can't hide from

    Thank you for your time hope to hear back from you soon

  3. Hi Ashley,I live in a HUD subsidized apartment in Medford, Oregon.I suffer from osteoarthritis and would like to move to a warmer climate like San Luis Obisbo.Can I get a emergency section 8 voucher for my circumstances.

    1. Yes, you can get placed on the priority list for emergency section 8 housing, however that would depend on your PHA office where your application was submitted. The number of applications already available would determine how fast you get approved. You can also submit an online application on the HUD website.

      1. Hi Ashley, I’ve been dealing with alot of trauma over the last few years .. The worst was losing my daughter at 28yrs old. I went into a very deep depression and basically died along with her. While trying to deal with my emotions my partner of 11yrs became mentally,verbally and progressed to physical abuse.He was arrested for assault and went to jail. He was the source of income in paying rent as my income on SSI doesn’t come close to the monthly rent. I applied for emergency section 8 voucher ,as my name has been on the list since 2019. I had a meeting via video screen and then reviewed a letter of denial ,saying there’s no proof him living here with me. It stated right on the police report his living address right here and I feel like they have just been unfair and bias to me and my situation.The reason being, I had a voucher and they took it from me saying he was living with me when he wasn’t. I got all signed documents and proof to show that it wasn’t true and they went on hear say. When I got my voucher that was my way of not having to deal with his chaos and I finally felt free. Then they take it and I’m back to having to bring him back into the home. I feel like they put me in danger just for that reason alone. Now they are flipping it to say they don’t have proof that he lived here during the incident of my abuse. I’m very upset and disgusted in how I feel I’m being treated and denied what never should of been taken from me to begin with. I’ve been blessed to have gotten help.from an organization to help.with my rent ,but I know it’s not forever and that’s what I’m afraid of.. I’m 59 and I can’t see myself being homeless , I’m not in the best of health emotionally as well as physically and I’d love some advice on what I can do or who I can bring this matter to . There’s more incidents that they subjected me too,that had no meaning to me what so ever.Specifically a letter they sent to me that was not even meant for me and I got it on Christmas Eve day. It was a very horrific letter and I was appalled when I read it. When I called the housing office and brought it to her attention she said I made a mistake and that’s what happens when you don’t pay attention or take your time,something to that affect. So it just concludes what I’ve been saying all along ,they don’t really know what’s what here. I’m in Gloucester Ma. and I would appreciate any advice or information you can give me on my situation.Thank you janet

        1. Hello Janet, am sorry for all you had to go through. I would advise you to take all your proof of your partner staying with you and other necessary proof to the PHA office. If that doesn’t still resolve your issue, I advise you to submit a new application in another city or state to have a fresh new start in life. I wish you all the best.

      2. Mrs. Faith-

        Thank you for taking the time to respond to these texts and emails from all sorts of people in need , I am in such in need of rental assistance becuase i am 1 months rent behnd and utiities and going on almost 2 months of backed up rent and utilities. i have received multiple of letters of locked out taking plan of actions and or being close to being evicted. Can you PLEASE help me. I have already signed up for housing,Sec.8. since last year.

        In Desperate Need,
        Bobby J. J.

        1. Hello Bobby,

          Since you’ve signed up for section 8, that’s the first step. Now, you are to follow up regularly to know your status on the waiting list. This will fastrack your application

          1. Call me. ALBERTA from Houston Texas. TRY GET SOME INFO.On Qualified info.R email or text me.Im homeless me and my family.THE WAIT LIST CLOSE. 8** ***.

          2. Faith, I am trying to get section 8, I keep getting messages that I ‘ve been approved , but that’s the only time that I have heard anything. I am a disabled senior citizen, a citizen of the US, low-income, never been evicted . This apartment complex that I now live in meets all of my needs so far as being
            Handicapped accessible. I am on the first floor, & there are Handicapped accessible bars in the bathroom. This apartment complex also accepts section8. Why should I be waiting?

          3. Hello Lori,

            We are sorry to hear that! However, if you were really approved, you can let someone on your behalf go to your local PHA Office and comply with the procedures for you to get rent assistance in your current apartment.

            Also, you can read articles regarding housing matters from this website: https://affordablehousingheroes.com/

            Hope it helps, thank you!

        2. Im really really needing help with everything I was in a very abusive relationship with a man and I just got him put in jail for everything that’s been going on but scene I was no able to get out of my house for a almost a month I had no way to get a job I have no lights and water and about to lose my apartment is there any way someone can help me please

        3. Hi there my name is Brandon M. and I am staying at the Lincoln courts and I have been here going on 5 years and they kept promising me if j didn’t get in trouble or do bad I could get disabled housing or something else that my son wouldn’t be worried when he stays over on the weekends I don’t know wen the lease is up but it’s been very hectic and hard for me all these years and I want to go to a new place now where >m not worried about if I can make it until the next day my name is Brandon Massey and I am disabled from the Lincoln courts and stay on micklejohn walk I am tired of living like this and now I am disabled I can’t even fight anymore because I am struggling please help me out asap 2** *** ***

      3. What is the HUD Website in Dallas, TX, I have looked everywhere and have not found anything to apply online.

        1. Hello Nichol,

          I am sorry to hear that! But the HUD’s website is sometimes crashing unexpectedly. Maybe the best thing to do is go to your nearest Public Housing Authority Office and ask them for the requirements.

          Anyways, you can read more helpful articles here: https://affordablehousingheroes.com/

          Thank you!

      4. Where on line do u apply for emergency Sec 8 ?
        I see where it says if u want to apply for emergency housing click here but then i click on it and it takes me to what it takes to
        qualify . .but no application. I’ve been trying to apply for emergency housing for a homeless disabled veteran friend of mine for about a year now and gettin’ no where on line. Can someone please tell me where this application is ?

        1. Hello Lisette,

          We are sorry to hear that! Actually, your friend can quality into a lot of available programs. If you know where your Local PHA Office is, you can go there personally and tell the situation and they will provide you the right guide and process on how to apply for any housing assistance programs.

          However, you can learn more on this article: https://affordablehousingheroes.com/hud-section-811-disabled/


      5. I am a disabled Vietnam Veteran and I have until the first to be out of where I am at now. It’s because my landlady’s dog attacked my 11 weeks old puppy and killed it. Now I have until the first to find a rental house or apartment or live on the street.

        1. Hello Richard,

          We are sorry to hear that! I am pretty sure you are qualified to apply for the Section 811 Housing Program for Persons with Disabilities. You can ask one of your family members (In case you are not able to) to go to your local PHA office and ask for the right procedures for applying for it.

          However, this article might help you. https://affordablehousingheroes.com/hud-section-811-disabled/

          Thank you!

          1. My wife and I are disabled. We don’t require constant medical attention. We’ve been all over the web with our phones and all we get is phone numbers to call and requests for money to buy lists! We can barely survive on our income, i.e. SS, SSDI and a small pension. The pandemic priced us out of the market. The State of Florida has graciously awarded me $9.00 in EBT benefits per month. Social workers have done nothing. Section 8 offices say they are not taking applications! Now we live in a motel which is expensive and inconvenient and we can’t stay for very long. We are 69 and 61 years of age and speak English. Can you or anyone direct us to someone or an agency that IS ABLE TO HELP? All we get is phone numbers that are useless! Thanks for your help! Web address:*****@gmail.com OR call DEL @ 3*****

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