How Can I Check My Section 8 Status?

We know the wait can be a bit stressful since it usually takes them anywhere from weeks to months for applications to be processed, but you can check on your Section 8 status by contacting your local Housing Offices or PHA.

Section 8 is an affordable housing choice voucher that is made available for low-income families and individuals, people living with disabilities, and the elderly to provide safe and affordable housing. In many places in the US, there is usually a higher demand for affordable housing than what the government can provide funding for.

Due to housing and economic crisis there has been a steady increase in the number of applications for Housing Choice Vouchers (section 8) each year. This facor along with others is typically the cause of the long waiting list fro Housing Vouchers, it may take up to several years for approval by the PHA.

Once you have submitted the application form for Section 8 housing assistance, you are placed on a waiting list. After being on the waiting list you may receive a “Update Contact Info” letter sent by the PHA. Please keep reading to learn how to respond to letters from the PHA. Failure to respond to PHA update letters will lead to your application being removed from the waiting list. You will then need to reapply and start the application process all over. Keep reading to learn how to respond to PHA letters and confirm your place on the Housing Voucher Waiting List. Also known as Section 8 Housing Vouchers.

How To Check Your Application Status After Applying For Section 8

It’s important to check on the status of your application so that you can act immediately when you get a response from the PHA. Some Public Housing offices will send “Update Contact Info Letters” if you have been on the waiting list for some time (1 year) to confirm your address and interests in Section 8. You must reply to these letters and follow the instruction on the letter if you receive one. It is advised that you closely monitor the status of your application by taking the following steps:

  1. Frequently contact the Public Housing Agency where you placed your application. It’s important to contact the same office where you applied. Use this link to quickly search your area for your nearest PHA office if you do not have their contact info or if you’re just beginning your application now.
  2. After you have your PHA contact info you can either call or visit the PHA website to contact the PHA about your application’s status. You can also mail or visit the office in person.
  3. You can try calling your PHA office to confirm your application status. Click on this link to find the specific phone number for the office in your location. 
  4. Alternatively, you can check your application status online via a waitlist check service. can give you an update on your application if you’re already on the waitlist. Simply log in using your birth year, then type in the password given at your PHA.

Note that different housing authorities vary in their methods of providing a status update. Some may not provide your specific position on the waiting list but can tell you if you are or are not on the list. 

Why Is My Section 8 Taking So Long?

The application for Section 8 may take quite a long while before approval is granted because of the increased number of applications received each year and the limited number of units available. Applicants are usually placed on a waiting list for Section 8 until there is available housing to rent.

Some families and individuals may be placed on an emergency waiting list to prioritize their housing needs depending on their situation, but this is rare and not a constant occurrence. Sometimes, certain PHA offices may stop receiving applications because they are full, and the waitlist may take several years before it gets to your turn.

To get housing assistance quickly, some applicants submit their applications to several PHA offices to be placed on multiple waiting lists for a fast response.

Waiting List Confirmation Letter: What You Need to Know

After submitting your application for the Section 8 waitlist, there are a few things to expect. Although it varies based on the Housing Authority, these are what the steps typically look like:

  1. You receive a confirmation letter or postcard stating that the Housing Authority got your pre-application form. If you applied online, you will immediately get a confirmation number. If you receive neither a letter nor a postcard several weeks after you submitted your application, then you must contact your Housing Authority, preferably via a call.
  2. After several months of waiting, sometimes up to a year, you will receive a waiting list confirmation letter stating that your name has been added to the waiting list. Usually, you’re randomly assigned a number on the list, so there’s no guarantee how long you may have to wait before getting on the list. The reason it takes so long is that no applicant can be assigned a number on the list until the waiting list closes, and the pre-application forms have all been logged into the Housing Authority’s system.
  3. If you change your mailing address while you await your confirmation letter, you MUST inform the housing authority within 30 days or risk having your name removed from the list. If you fail to respond to letters from the Housing Authority at any time, or your letters are returned as undelivered, the Housing Authority will never contact you again.
  4. Only until your name gets to the top of the waiting list will the Housing Authority begin processing your eligibility for Section 8 assistance. They will begin the checks on your background information, income eligibility, and criminal record. You can find out more about Section 8 eligibility to ensure you meet all the criteria when you make it to the top of the list.

What Should I Do After I Apply to A Waitlist?

After applying and being put on a Section 8 waitlist, there are a few steps you should follow:

  • If you have been placed on a waiting list, you should keep a record on hand of the important information you might need, for example:
    • Any log-in information if you applied online,
    • Which Housing Office you apply with, the date you applied,
    • Where you are on the waiting list (if the information is available), and
    • Any confirmation number you are given.
  • By following the instructions we shared earlier, you can estimate how long of a wait you may be facing by contacting the Housing Office you applied with. If they don’t give you accurate details, you can ask for access to their Annual Plan, which has information about the current number of households on the waiting list and their office’s turnover rate. Unfortunately, sometimes this document isn’t easily available and can only give you a rough estimate of your wait.
  • One of the most important steps is to keep checking your waiting list status using any of the options available to you (a phone call, visiting the Housing office, or via the waitlist check website.) Keep all your information up to date, including your contact information and any changes in your income. If a notice is sent to you that requires a response, do so as soon as possible or risk losing your spot. If you applied online, you should constantly check your email for any messages from your Housing office since they will continue to contact you via email.
  • When your turn on the waiting list comes around, you will be required to go to a “Final Eligibility Review.” This will be conducted in person. Usually, it’s only the applicant that is required to attend, but they may also ask for the entire household or household adults. You MUST attend at the set date and time or you will risk being removed from the list.
  • Last, but not least, after you receive your Section 8 Housing voucher, you can start searching for your new home!

You can also find groups of people on the waiting list like yourself to stay in the know about recent reports and also support each other with extra information. Being placed on the waiting list would require a lot of patience from the applicant before a response can be gotten, and this can lead to you waiting for many years. Try not to give up but stay positive all through the application process.

How to Get Priority on the Waitlist

For applicants to be approved for the Section 8 housing voucher, they are placed on a waiting list, which can take up to several years before a response is given. You may be qualified to be placed on the priority wait-list if you are in one or more of the situations below.

Extremely Low Income

To apply for Section 8, you would need to verify your income status together with your family as well. The Section 8 voucher is available for extremely low-income households, very low-income households, and low-income households. Priority will be given to the households with extremely low-income households on the waitlist.

Being Homeless

Those who are experiencing homelessness currently are placed on the priority waiting list as a result of ending homelessness. Check with your PHA office to understand the eligibility requirements for the waitlist for the homeless.

Those Residing in Shelters

Section 8 is made available for low-income families and to take people off the streets into safe housing. If the applicant is living in a shelter currently, he or she is eligible to be placed on the priority waiting list for Section 8.

Have a Disability

Households with a member with a disability are given priority on the waiting list, especially if the current housing situation is not appropriate for the medical condition of the disabled member.

The Elderly

The US considers the elderly to be part of the vulnerable population and prioritizes households with an elderly person over the age of 62 years for affordable housing.

Be a US Veteran

US veterans are particularly prioritized in finding assistance for safe and affordable housing. HUD provides housing assistance for an easy transition for US veterans from their past military life to civilian life.

FAQs About Section 8 Application Status

If you still have questions about your Section 8 application status, we’ve answered the following for you to give you better clarity.

What Should I Do to Make Sure the PHA Can Reach Me?

Many people lose their Section 8 housing vouchers, or their spot on the waiting list because the PHA is unable to contact them. This usually happens when you change your phone number or when you don’t check your email or post mail regularly. This is a very important step on your Section 8 Housing journey!

If you change your phone number or email, contact the Housing office you applied with immediately and let them know of these changes or of the best way to contact you.

Where Is My Local PHA Office Located?

Each State has many PHA offices you can visit or contact, but it might be easier to contact the ones closest to you or the area you would like to live in. If you would like a list of the PHA offices in your state, you can make a simple search here.

What If I Lose My Job While on Section 8?

As with everything else in Section 8, the best thing to do to keep receiving your benefits is to keep them informed about everything.

Yes, you need some income to be able to pay for your portion of the rent, but if you lose or quit your job, the first thing you must do is let them know that your income situation has changed. It is possible, depending on the circumstances, that they may adjust your rent payments.

If you are receiving a regular unemployment check, keep in mind this is considered income and must also be reported to the PHA. The PHA excludes temporary or non-recurring benefits, but you should still inform them of these as well.

Will Section 8 Also Pay for My Utilities?

Section 8 does help those with extremely low or zero income with utility expenses. The PHA will calculate if you may qualify for utility reimbursement and either send you a check or pay the utility companies directly. The PHA calls this money your “Utility Allowance” and it covers a reasonable amount of your utility expenses.

It is important to note that the PHA will not cover excessive or wasteful utility bills. If you exceed your Utility Allowance you must cover the difference out of your own pocket. If you live in a building and your landlord pays the utility bills for the entire building, you do not qualify for a Utility Allowance.

What Utilities will Section 8 Help Me Pay For?

Section 8 covers utilities, such as:

  • Electricity
  • Sewer
  • Gas
  • Rental of a kitchen range, microwave, and refrigerator
  • Water
  • Trash collection
  • Heating fuel

**Section 8 does not cover cable television, telephones, or internet service because they consider them amenities.

How Much Is My Utilities Allowance on Section 8 and Am I Receiving Any?

If you would like to know if you are receiving a Utility Allowance or how much of a Utility Allowance you currently receive, you can do so by either checking if it’s stated on your lease, checking your income recertification paperwork filed each year, or you can request your Utility Allowance amount from your landlord or PHA.

Can My Section 8 Utility Allowance Be Adjusted If I’m Disabled?

If you or someone in your household has special needs due to a disability, you may qualify for a higher Utility Allowance.

For example, if you use any medical equipment that requires the use of electricity, such as an oxygen concentrator or asthma nebulizer, you could receive more allowance to cover the extra electrical expenses these will consume.

Helpful Links for Section 8 Assistance

If you need some links to help you navigate through the HUD Section 8 database, see these below:

  • PHA Contact Information: #1| #2 | #3
  • HUD offices per state: #1 NY | CA | TX | FL | More | #2
  • Section 8 Homeownership Assistance: #1

Final thoughts

Checking the status of your Section 8 application is quite important for you to stay positive and also know your position. Ensure you keep all records of your PHA office and continue to communicate as often as possible with the agency. With this, they become aware of your application and do not accidentally have you removed from the waiting list.

We have been overwhelmed with requests of people needing help with Housing Assistance. To help people find the information they need, we have now started a forum with full-time administrators. We aim to create local discussions about housing assistance and in turn be able to answer specific questions and help people with the process of rental assistance.

By Ashley T

As a professional writer, I enjoy researching Benefit Programs and writing articles and guides that are easy to follow for those who are in need of assistance.


  1. I applied for section 8 thru lottery but when I try to check they say my social is not listed how do I check results

    1. Hi, visit the housing authority and speak with an officer to find out if your application was submitted intially.

  2. I’m 6montha pregnant and have two weeks to leave the residence I’m rooming at . I have nowhere to go . I just started a job but I can’t work there after December due to me being pregnant and a high risk . This is my first time ever asking for help like this and reaching out for assistance. I just been getting doors closed in my face and asked to call back when I’m either homeless or sleeping in a car witch I don’t have . I’m begging for help . I don’t have a working phone because I just started this job and I don’t get paid till three weeks after I start and it’s been off for two months. So I know I’m behind on that bull but I’m just asking for help i don’t know what else to do . Can someone anyone please help me ?

    1. Hello, if you cannot submit your application for Section 8 online due to a lack of phone. The next option would be to visit the loacl housing authority to fill and submit an application.

    1. Hi Amanda, your housing situation is urgent. A majority of Section 8 housing vouchers are given to your people who are homeless or in urgent need. Generally speaking you would be moved to the top of the waiting list if you meet all the other requirements from your Public Housing Authority.

      The first thing you should do is contact your local Public Housing Authority, you can do so by clicking here Select your state on the left then contact the PHA office nearest to you. Obtain your section 8 housing choice voucher and be sure to list that you are currently homeless when you file the application. Good luck, we hope this helps.

      1. Hi I recently signed up for HUD and just received the waiting list confirmation letter. I live in a group home and will be going to court in April to get guardianship. I have until then before I’m able to get HUD. Could I be on the waiting list that long?

        1. Hi, you can avoid becoming homeless when you speak with a officer at your local housing office about your housing needs. You can also fill and submit an application for Section 8 there.

      2. I’ve been trying to get section eight housing for a long while, disabled, desperate need. Please help me and my underage son who’s a diabetic taking four shots daily since age 5

        1. To apply for Section 8 housing-choice vouchers, you’ll need to contact your local Public Housing Agency. Your PHA can tell you if the program is currently accepting new applicants and what documents you’ll need to apply. Depending on where you live, you may be able to apply online, in person, or by mail.

          1. I’m looking for a Apartment for me and my wife but I haven’t had any luck on finding a place could you help me out tell me who I could call to find a good apartment for me and my wife.

          2. hello Reuben, to get housing assistance visit the local housing authority to submit a section 8 application. This will enable you to get affordable housing in an area of your choice.

          3. Hi I’m shakita W. I’ve been applying an signing up for section 8 voucher if u could help me I would like to be able to move wit my two kids I been trying to figure out how to get the paper to fill it out call me 616******* please thank u I want to move immediately

          4. The Section 8 waiting period can stretch over years but you can access other types of housing assistance for single moms. Check the past post on housing assistance for single moms here

      3. I have 7yr old son who attend school in St. Paul wellstones elementary and I work at FedEx part time and I’m deaf I’m single parent. I’ve ssi and welfares so please let me know asap! And I temporarily live with subsidies with family. I’m 28. I need a place asap!!

        1. Hi Latrice,

          You can apply for rental and utility assistance safely from your home using the ERAP online portal. If you’re unable to apply online, you may apply by phone through the ERAP hotline at 1-833-912-0878 or by using a paper application.

          1. My name is Andrea M. I have applied for section 8 several times, but I don’t know how to check my status

          2. hi, to check your status you can either visit the PHA office where your application was submitted or check through the HUD website right here.

        2. Hi my name is Judy W.
          I need a place to stay
          because I stay with my
          sister and I need my own place

      4. I being trying to get on section right and a vochuer my basement flooded and species coming up in the basement me and my son need a place to move guit pipe are broken in back yard and we both are on disability he ihas mental problems and paralyzed in one leg plus I am sick can you please help this is a Emergency thank you

        1. Hello, kindly submit an application for Section 8 with the nearest PHA office or online via the HUD website for emergency housing for the disabled.

        1. Hello,

          to get section 8 housing assistance, please submit your application at the PHA office closest to you and you can also submit an application online right here.

    2. Hello to whom it may concern I virginia Mobley is trying to emergency find somewhere for me and my dog to go I’ve been sleeping in my car place to place here and there I need help u can reach me at ******** thanks for listening have a good day sincerely virginia M.

    3. Amanda, I am 65 , I have Diabetes, PTSD, A heart condition known as Coronary Disease with 3 Stents in my heart. And Fibromyalgia with chronic pain.
      I am planing to have My Doctor add a letter to my Application. Will this help me get Housing sooner.
      Mary H.

      1. Hi Mary,

        Sorry about your health. Due to your age and medical condition, you may get priority on your application. As regards your medical condition, you will have to submit appropriate medical documentation showing that the disability or medical condition exists and that it is being made worse by current living conditions.

        For your age, as an elderly – defined as those aged 62 or older. One of the chief guiding philosophies of HUD is making sure that America’s elderly citizens have access to clean, safe, and affordable places to live.

        1. I need section 8 desperately I’m disabled my rent steady going up every year is unnecessary going up because I’m getting the social security raise not because I’m just messing with love because I have repairs needed to be done just because we’re getting the raise every year.

          1. Hello Norman,

            to get approved for the Section 8 housing voucher, you need to visit your local PHA office to submit an application. The Section 811 is focused on assisting people with disability in getting quick affordable housing

    4. Hello I was told by my local public housing that section 8 is closed due to low funds. So my husband and I couldn’t get on the list but he is disabled from a recent stroke and we need help with housing. We currently live with his parents because our income is very low. Any idea how we can get help going a different route?

    5. Need place to stay right away homeless my son has both both of legs cut off will need help thank you

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