You Will Learn
- How to get low-income housing by visiting your local housing agency in your area to submit applications for HUD sponsored housing assistance.
- How to locate and apply directly to low-income apartments and landlords near you. (No Voucher Required) Get insider tips for affordable housing by learning how to apply to Low Income Tax Credit Properties. (LIHTC)
- To understand the different types of housing programs available to low-income families, the elderly and people with disabilities.
- How to tackle the problem of housing discrimination based on color of your skin, religious beliefs or disability.
Low-income housing, also referred to as affordable housing, is made available for households and individuals with low incomes who are not able to afford decent housing.
Access to housing has become more difficult for low-income families due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and various government, private, and non-profit organizations have tried to step in and help salvage the situation by providing initiatives and housing relief programs to assist low-income families and individuals in obtaining housing.
However resources are still in high demand and local Housing Authorities are still greatly overwhelmed despite emergency funding programs.
Don’t WORRY! The goal of this article is to help you locate ALL affordable housing near you. We hope to increase your odds of being approved for housing assistance.
You do not have to wait round on housing vouchers. Keep reading and we will show you how to locate, apply and qualify for all affordable housing near you!
Steps to Locate Section 8 Housing Vouchers Near You
- Visit our user-friendly PHA database.
- Enter your city, county, or zip code into the provided search bar and hit enter to display the search results.
- In order to locate your housing authority, simply scroll down the list. Each office listed specifies the type of assistance they provide—whether it’s “Section 8” “Low-Rent” or a “Combined” approach.
- When you locate your office on the list, just click on the box to learn more details.
- If the specific city or county isn’t accessible, you have the option to search by zip code, or simply enter a zip code that’s near your location.
Understanding the differences between offices labeled as Section 8, low-rent, and combined involves getting to know the unique housing programs they manage.
- ‘Section 8‘ refers to the original name of the national assistance program for rental assistance. It is now technically known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program. This program provides housing assistance by subsidizing a majority portion of the rent for eligible applicants who comply with the program’s policies and are approved for move-in.
- Under the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), qualified applicants receive vouchers and have the freedom to choose a home that is approved for the program. You may come across offices labeled as Section 8 or Housing Choice Program, which primarily handle the administration of this program and the approval and distribution of vouchers to applicants. This program is highly sought after because it allows applicants to select homes that are HUD-approved to accept vouchers. As a result, waiting lists for Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) tend to be longer. If wanting to learn about more low income housing resources read this article about HUD’s Resource Locator Tool here
- If you are facing a housing crisis such as eviction or homelessness, you may be eligible for Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV). This program aims to give immediate assistance to keep individuals off the streets and avoid homelessness. Approved applicants for Emergency Housing Vouchers experience shorter waiting times for move-in or receive immediate assistance. There are several common housing crisis that will allow you to apply for EHV. To learn more about the qualifications and approval process for Emergency Vouchers, click here to start your application process for EHV’s.
- Public Housing Offices or (PHA’s) are Housing Authorities that are typically in charge of public housing programs… Public housing involves government-owned and controlled housing units offered at lower rents to deserving low-income individuals and families. These offices manage the distribution and upkeep of these public housing units. Search for your local PHA office here
- Some offices might just be tagged as ‘Combined’, which basically means they handle both the Section 8 voucher system and public housing programs. These places actually offer a variety of housing help, providing options for folks and families who are in need of homes they can actually afford.
Skip to the bottom section of this article to learn about applying directly to Low Income Properties near you (LIHTC) using HUD’s Resource Locator Tool!
Housing Programs Provided by HUD
These housing programs may be administered through the city or county housing agencies with backing from HUD. The housing programs vary in their requirements and the payment of the rental fees also.
Generally, the government subsidizes the housing fees to be able to accommodate as many households as possible. Let’s take a look at some of the available housing programs.
Public Housing
A HUD program that provides subsidized rental housing to low-income households that apply and qualify. Housing resources are provided in the form of a dedicated apartment development or building for applicants of the program to reside. You will need to apply through your Public Housing Agency.
Typically you are then put on waiting list. You can use the methods above and search for Public Housing Building Near you using HUD’s resource locator. You can also apply for Public Housing and Tax Credit Properties or multiple assistance programs, you are not limited to only one application.
Section 8 – The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher is a government housing program that is used to assist low-income households with paying part of their rent.
To begin your application for this housing program, you must first contact your local housing authority before proceeding with the procedures outlined above.
Once you have been approved for the housing program, the local housing authority calls for an interview or briefing before the section 8 voucher can be handed over.
This voucher shows that you have been approved to benefit from the housing relief program. If you don’t have a rental facility available upon getting the award of the voucher, the agency gives you a minimum of 60 days to find a rental facility.
The money received in the section 8 voucher is paid directly to the landlord of your rental property every month.
Public Housing
Public housing is also provided by the federal government through HUD to make affordable housing available for low-income families, individuals, people with disabilities, and the elderly.
To qualify for the public housing program, the applicant must currently earn less than 80% of the area’s median income. An application must be filled out with your local housing agency in your area to commence registration.
Section 202 – Housing for the Elderly
This housing program is specifically for the elderly in society with low incomes or those elderly who do not work anymore.
What HUD does here is partner with nonprofits to provide this type of housing for the elderly or households that have at least one elderly person in them.
When awarded the Section 202 housing, tenants would pay about 30% of their total income or as agreed with the agency for operating costs of the housing unit.
To apply, you can visit the local housing authority to see if there are any available openings, or apply through the housing authority website.
Section 811 – Housing for People with Disabilities
Section 811 provides housing for low-income adults with disabilities or families with at least one disabled adult.
Applications for this type of housing are also submitted through the local housing authority and when awarded the housing relief, tenants would pay 30% of their annual income or pay a budget-based rent as stipulated by the agency.
Just as it is with the other types of housing programs, there is a wait-list here as well, but with speculated preferences that may help to push the applicant up the list for a faster response.
Apply Directly to Low-Income Landlords. Don’t Just Wait on Section 8
Please read this paragraph if you find yourself on the long waiting list for Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers but you can’t spend months and years on a waiting list: This is a important affordable housing tip that many other of our readers have had great success with and were even able to get off the long waiting lists for for Section 8.
We hope these next few paragraphs may lead you into a clean safe affordable apartment immediately or drastically improve your odds to receive housing assistance quickly. Please let us know if you have success with this approach, leave a comment below!
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties. To apply forLIHTC, you have the opportunity to apply for low-income apartments in your area that have received a tax credit or discount on their taxes. These properties reserve a portion of their units for low-income applicants. While these apartments have their own approval process, it closely resembles the process for Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, as it operates under HUD’s guidelines. The LIHTC property will determine the amount of rent that will be paid on your behalf based your application info.
Similar to Section 8 LIHTC will determine your rent amount based on your income compared to the poverty line of your area and the average fair market rent. If you have already applied for Section 8 and are on the HCV waiting lists, you may be able to bypass, skip or even just drastically shorten your waiting list experience by applying directly to these properties near you. Keep reading to learn how to contact the apartments in your area and submit an application.
These apartments may be able to approve you for clean, safe and affordable housing faster than the Section 8 HCV program. Additionally, please note that many of these LIHTC properties may also accept your Section 8 voucher if you are approved by the HCV program. Allowing you to avoid the hassle of trying to find a landlord on your own to accept your HCV.
How to locate Low income Housing Tax Credit Properties.
You can locate these properties by using HUD’s Resource Locator. Please read this article before visiting the HUD Resource Locator Tool. We explain clearly in the article how to locate and contact these specific properties in your neighborhood to begin your LIHTC application.
Don’t just wait on Section 8 Approval. Take action, locate and apply to low-income landlords near you today! Click here or the link below to begin your journey of applying to local Low Income Housing Landlords using HUD’s Resource Locator Tool!
HUD Resource Locator Tutorial
Review the reasons and benefits of applying to Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties (LIHTC)
- Faster Application Process: LIHTC properties allow you to apply directly to landlords in your area who provide affordable housing to low-income tenants that are approved. This streamlines the application process and may result in a quicker response.
- Improved Odds of Rental Assistance Approval: By applying to more LIHTC properties, you greatly increase your chances of being approved for rental assistance. Depending on your city, there could be numerous LIHTC properties available to apply to. Applying to multiple resources enhances your chances of receiving assistance.
- Acceptance of Section 8 Vouchers: Many LIHTC properties may accept Section 8 Vouchers, eliminating the challenge of finding a landlord who will accept your Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher. This simplifies the process of securing suitable housing.
- Familiar Application Process: If you have already applied for Section 8, you will be familiar with the application process for LIHTC properties as they are approved under HUD’s guidelines for Section 8 HCV. This familiarity can expedite your search for affordable housing.
- Upgraded Units or Apartments. You may find that LIHTC units are in new apartment developments where people who aren’t low income are renting. Properties the participate in the LIHTC program use the same inventory for low-income applicants as they may for tenants that are not low income. Making LIHTC properties some of the newest, nicest, cleanest and safest apartments and homes for affordable housing.
Identifying and Solving Housing Discrimination
In the United States, property owners and landlords are prohibited from discriminating against people from renting or buying houses because of their race, religion, nationality, and disability. Housing discrimination is prohibited and regarded as a criminal offense if caught by the Fair Housing Act, set up by the government to curb this menace.
- Landlords and property owners must be willing to provide suitable housing for everyone, notwithstanding their race, beliefs, or religion.
- Any tenant who is denied housing rights or inability to rent a property due to the reasons listed above can take up the case and report such a landlord to the appropriate authorities, and justice is ready to be served to anyone caught in the act of home bullying.
As an alternative, consider using the HUD Resource Tool, which we’ve detailed in another comprehensive guide for your convenience. More info here.
I'm disabled and been homeless for 4 long years,I told myself that not to ever give up.please help me out and point me to the right in Denver Colorado I have a Dl4 and it's very hard for me to walk..********** email address is ****** thank you anybody please February 2,2022
The Section 811 program allows persons with disabilities to live as independently as possible in the community by subsidizing rental housing opportunities which provide access to appropriate supportive services. To apply, contact or visit the management office of each apartment building that interests you. To apply for either type of help, visit your local Public Housing Agency (PHA). Some PHAs have long waiting lists, so you may want to apply at more than one PHA.
Hi. I am currently looking for a Section 8 in the Farmington Hills, or Farmington area. I am a 55 year old single female who made $4536.00 last year and I am disabled wheelchair bound. My phone number is **********. Please use it to let me know what to do to start the process. Thank You, Karen Hamacher
Hi Karen,
Contact your local public housing authority to apply. Visit for more information.
Myself and girlfriend been living in our car for about a a.year now if you could us finding a place to rest our heads. Please call **********
Hi Philip,
You may consider applying for public housing. To do that, visit your local HUD office.