Requirements for Section 8 Yearly Inspections

Requirements for Section 8 Yearly Inspections

What Are the Requirements for Section 8 Yearly Inspections?

Section 8 inspections might be a bit nerve wracking, for the landlord and tenants alike, but we’re here to help you prepare for and understand the process. Section 8 is required to perform inspections annually to every “household” and property. This is done to make sure you’re living in a safe environment and to review any changes in your income, expenses or assets.

Each “household” and property must meet certain standards in order to qualify and stay eligible. Before an inspection, normally, you shall be notified in advance of the time and date of your inspection, unless there have been security or health concerns reported. Below I’ve listed the requirements for Section 8 yearly inspections for both tenants and landlords respectively.

Requirements for Tenants

A “household’s” eligibility for assistance is based on its income, so that means that if you have changes in your income or family composition, it could affect the amount of assistance you are eligible to receive, which in turn, affects the amount of rent you will have to pay each month.

The PHA will send you a package with the documents that they require you to fill and you must return it to them by the date they specify inside so they may proceed with your recertification process. Unfortunately, if you fail to do so, you could lose your Section 8 benefits. Here is a checklist of those documents:

  • Income Verifications for all household members (Wages, TANF/DPA, Child Support, SSI, Social Security, Pension, Unemployment, etc.). Provide all Current Printouts and/or 6 Consecutive Pay Stubs.
  • Childcare Verification
  • Family Composition Form
  • Signed Applicant/Tenant Certification (Fraud) Form
  • Attachment A/HUD 92006 Optional Contact Information (2 copies)
  • Asset Verification (Bank Statement – Checking & Savings), Stocks, etc. Provide Current Statements.
  • Annual Continued Occupancy Form (ACO)
  • Signed Authorization of Release of Information (HUD Form 9886) ***Must be signed by each household member 18 years and older.
  • Family Obligations (2 copies)
  • Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Program (RHIP) (2 copies)
  • Medical Expense Verifications for disabled/elderly (62+) households
  • Zero Income Affidavit (if applicable) Please contact Housing Specialist for forms.
  • Full-time Student Status – For Dependents 18 years of age and older, provide letter from the Registrar’s Office verifying full-time student status or a copy of student’s current schedule.

All “household” members that are 18 years or older must sign and date the Authorization for the Release of Information, Declaration of Employment Status, and Declaration of All Income.

*** It is very important that you provide Current Statements/Verifications

Requirements for Landlords/Property Owners

Landlords or owners have the task of ensuring the property is in the right shape for renting. If the property isn’t approved after its inspection, the tenants won’t be able to keep living in the home because they won’t be able to get the assistance they need.

Owners are strongly recommended to check out the property before an inspection to take care of any maintenance issues. Here’s what Inspectors are going to be checking out:

  • In All Rooms:

Electricity & electricity hazards


Window, ceiling, floor, and wall conditions

Lead-based paint check

Check for anything potentially hazardous

  • Kitchen

Check for presence of stove or range with oven, refrigerator, and sink

Confirm that there is space for safe food storage & preparation

  • Bathrooms

Flush toilet exists in a closed room

Fixed wash basin exists

Tub or shower exists

Proper ventilation

  • General Home Checks

Proper number and placement of smoke detectors

Foundation condition

Stair, rail, and porch condition

Roof/gutter condition

Exterior surface condition

Access to unit

Fire exits

Bug and pest infestation check

Garbage and debris

Elevator safety and maintenance

Interior air quality

Site condition

Interior stair condition

  • Heating & Plumbing

Safety and adequacy of heating equipment

Proper ventilation and cooling for equipment

Functioning water heater

Approved water supply


Sewer connection

***Inspectors may write down information of anything they find might be hazardous even if not listed above.

Keep in mind that this information is for Yearly inspections. If you’re a landlord and are requesting tenancy approval, you will be scheduled for an inspection and if your unit doesn’t pass, they will only reschedule once. If your unit doesn’t pass a second time, then your request will be denied.

After your yearly inspection, if your unit fails, you or your landlord as the case may be, will have up to 30 days to correct any problems that are non-life-threatening found during the re-inspection of the unit. If the unit didn’t pass due to a life-threatening problem, the repairs to correct it must be done within 24 hours and they will schedule a re-check inspection to make sure the situation is resolved.

If you would like to see the form provided by the HUD during the inspection process, click HERE. You can use this inspection checklist to get a better idea of what they will be looking at and help you prepare.

By Ashley T

As a professional writer, I enjoy researching Benefit Programs and writing articles and guides that are easy to follow for those who are in need of assistance.

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